Wide Backings

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Quilts and Cabbage

Here are some lovely quilts I've been hard at work quilting. Slaving over a hot needle. Seriously - the needle in a quilting machine gets hot enough to burn you.

I marked registration lines for the border quilting, just to keep things regular. I used a pounce pad and a 1 1/2" stripe stencil.

The funky Amy Butler got an overall design that I call Amoeba Flowers.

And the raggy flowers has a wiggly s.i.d. between the blocks and along the borders. The overall quilting is a paisley flower, with a big wiggle and circle doodles in the narrow border.

Here is the cabbage I demolished on Tuesday.

Back in the old days before my Oster Kitchen Centre died, I would have made short work of this. I had to resort to the K-Tel Starfrit slicer, dicer, chopper that strips off your knuckles and trims your fingernails (what's a little extra protein between friends?). I was planning to make freezer coleslaw however it seems I misplaced the recipe. I fell back on the old standby 'keeps forever coleslaw'. But I digress - I have ordered, through VISA points, a new Cuisinart blender AND food processor to replace the old ones. I hope they arrive soon.

My story of today:
I went in to the city to get tickets to see the Rockettes at Copps Coliseum. On the way, Taylor Swift's new song 'fifteen' was playing - it's about a fifteen year old girl (g'wan, really?) and there's a line in there about her first kiss. It got me thinking... I remember my first kiss - it was the fella who was boarding at the next door neighbours while he was attending college. He took me to THE DRIVE IN movies to see Woodstock. Mom gave him a big lecture before we left. Anyways, he gave me a little kiss when we got back. I was ... fifteen. And I saw stars. Funny how you remember those things from so many years ago, but have no idea where you left your glasses.

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