Wide Backings

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fish Quilts and Zucchini

Is it just me, or is there something slightly insane about having enough fish fabric to make two large quilts AND backings? Now, if it were SHOE fabric, I'd understand. Marie is donating these to a charity auction, so some lucky guys will be getting fishy gifts under the Christmas tree.

Zucchini season is well under way here. I'm quite looking forward to Saturday, which I understand is national Leave A Zucchini On Your Neighbour's Porch day. Neighbours, consider yourselves warned. The dog likes zucchini, too, for which I'm grateful.

I seem to have developed a 'calling' this year to develop the world's best zucchini loaf recipe. The good ones are too oily. The healthy ones are too dry. I pulled a recipe off the internet (note to self: throw out the cookbooks, you don't use 'em anymore) for a 2-loaf batch. Along with other stuff, it calls for 3 c. flour, 3 eggs, 1 c. oil, 2 1/4 c. sugar and 2 c. zucchini. I tried to compensate for all the SUGAR by substituting white flour with 1 c. whole wheat flour. Since DH really hates (!) zucchini I pawned a loaf off on Joan when she brought her quilt yesterday. I warned her that it could be crap, and to please call me if it was (so I would not have to find out the hard way). She didn't call, so feeling safe I sliced into the twin loaf today. It was very very yummy because of all the SUGAR. Tonight I'm adapting it again, using 1 c. brown sugar and 1/2 c. white sugar, and changing the 1 c. oil to 1/2 c. oil and 1/2 c. milk. I'll give you a report in two days. These things need to be wrapped for a day so they can mellow... I fully expect this version to be kinda scary so I may be reporting on version 3 later. I feel sorry for the gals who are going to the guild Sewing Day next week. Can you guess what I'm bringing for treats? (picture hand wringing and evil 'bwahahaha' along with drool-ey lip licking)


  1. Our zucchini season just ended but I got several loaves of zucchini bread in the freezer this season!

  2. Maybe you could add some raisins or nuts or sunflower seeds? I do this with the banana bread and figure it is healthier (I too cut down on the sugar.)


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