Wide Backings

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Longarmers Day In St. Jacobs

Friday was a get-together day with a bunch of longarm quilters. We went to St. Jacobs to see some of the Kitchener-Waterloo quilt shows. If you look closely you will see Beach-Day-Diane and Paducah-Bus-Trip-Seat-Mate-Karen. White was apparently the wardrobe choice for many.

The tea room at the School House was the BEST. Our table was set with a silver tea service. One of the other tables had a vintage featherweight sewing machine on it. Another was decorated with tiny shoes.

We sipped from china tea cups and the tea was served at our table. The room was strung with vintage aprons. I still remember making an apron as my very first Home Ec. project - we did cross stitch embroidery on the waist band, pocket, and lower edge. Mine was red gingham and I gave it to Mom.

These cute little cookie dishes are glued. I dunno - taking glue to your fine china is like painting woodwork - you need to be very firm in your conviction. If you're wondering where the cookies went, they are now firmly planted on my hips.

The day didn't start out too well for Linda - some dickhead in a U-Haul truck hit her car and ripped the trim off her bumper in Tim Hortons' parking lot. However, Karen (ever on the alert!) ran out and got the name & details of a WITNESS. The culprit was confronted and has promised to pay all repair costs.

1 comment:

  1. Must be something about Timmy's parking lots. My daughter-in-law got hit in Ottawa when some female backed up and didn't see that there was a car behind her. She did pay for the repairs (as far as I know.)


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