Wide Backings

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Spring in Caledonia

 Spring is crazy around here. (You'd have to live under a rock to not be aware that I like to garden.)  My body has been talking quite loudly: "Lady - what the fark do you think you're doing??? You sat on your ass all winter watching tv. I can't do this stuff - and if you make me, you're gonna pay!"

And yes, I'm hurting. Bursitis in my shoulder, an awful knot in my shoulder blade, golfer's elbow, and a bad knee. Oh, and whatever is wrong with my neck, that I woke up with yesterday. Sigh. HOWEVER, I still manage to get out of bed every morning, and for that I'm grateful.

In early April the Bloodroot blooms. Such a welcome sight. When the blossoms fall off and it leafs out I remove the seedheads because I do not want a whole garden of them - I have just enough.

In early May the asparagus starts showing up on the kitchen counter.

All that healthy goodness needs to be followed by something not quite as healthy. Yogurt cake.

The cake (a loaf, really) was fun to make. First you make lemon sugar with granulated sugar and lemon zest. Then you make a bowl of wet ingredients that includes the yogurt. Then you make a bowl of dry ingredients and blend that with the wet ingredients, put it in a loaf pan and pop it into the oven.

The fun part comes when you are putting all the messy equipment into the sink and notice that the bowl of sugar is still sitting on the counter. 😳

About 18 bad words later, the loaf pan has been removed from the oven, the batter has been put into the bowl of lemon sugar and mixed up, then returned to the loaf pan and put back in the oven. The result was surprisingly good.

Did y'all get to see the Northern Lights last weekend? Friday night was supposed to be our big event, but I was so tired I was snoring by 9 pm. I guess the Universe is aware of my love of these celestial events and took pity on me...on Monday morning I got out of bed before 6 am and was treated to this sunrise.

The weather has been exceptionally warm and Nina was getting very, um, fluffy DH gave her a bath on Saturday, then on Sunday I got out the clippers.  About 2 1/2 hours into the haircut I sat back to see where I was at and got a silly fit of the giggles.  That usually has something to do with vodka, but I was stone cold sober... check out those front legs!
I got them fixed up so they look a little better now, but trust me - I'm no dog groomer!

There is so much garden work (euphemism for "weeding") that if I live to be 100 it will still not be done.  However, maybe these will make you feel better about your own plot of ground?